SGR WrestlingJan 2SGR0375 Lifted Slammed Squashed - Viktoria demolishes Sheela 'Tiny Titaness'DWW veteran Viktora is a statuesque and skilled wrestler who has fought some of the best the industry has to offer over her long and...
SGR WrestlingNov 28, 2023SGR0371 Break Him - Viktoria ruins himDWW legend Hungarian Viktoria is a tall, powerful and experienced grappler and has been destroying the competition since joining the...
SGR WrestlingOct 24, 2023SGR0367 Pussy Punisher - Viktoria destroys Ivy RainWe are not sure that Strong Girls Rule girl next door, Ivy Rain knew what she was signing up for when she agreed to a match with DWW...
SGR WrestlingJun 6, 2023SGR0349 Break Her - Viktoria ruins Laken FireHungarian legend Viktoria makes her debut on Strong Girls Rule taking on popular SGR regular sexy Laken. They haven’t seen each other in...